Charles Hall

Charles Hall is an American author and former United States Air Force weather observer who claims to have had a personal and ongoing relationship with extraterrestrial beings during his time serving on Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada in the 1960s. He has written several books about his experiences, including “Millennial Hospitality” and “Stranger at the Pentagon,” which have gained a following among some believers in UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation.
Charles Hall was born in 1944 in rural Illinois. He graduated from high school in 1962 and enlisted in the United States Air Force shortly thereafter. Hall’s has stated in interviews that he received technical training in weather observation and forecasting during his time in the Air Force.
Hall served as a weather observer on Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada from 1965 to 1967. It was during this time that he claims to have first encountered extraterrestrial beings, whom he refers to as the “Tall Whites.” According to Hall, the Tall Whites are a humanoid species with pale skin, white hair, and elongated features, who have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and have established a base on the outskirts of the Nellis Air Force Base.
Charles Hall claims that the extraterrestrial beings he encountered, the “Tall Whites,” are originally from a planet in the Sirius star system, which he refers to as “Altair.” In mainstream astronomy, the Sirius star system is a binary star system, consisting of two stars, Sirius A and Sirius B, located about 8.6 light-years from Earth.
According to Hall, the extraterrestrial beings he encountered during his time on Nellis Air Force Base are humanoid in appearance but have several distinct physical characteristics. Hall has described the Tall Whites as being between six and seven feet tall, with pale skin, white hair, and elongated features. In his accounts, Hall has stated that the Tall Whites have large blue eyes that are slightly slanted, which he suggests may be an adaptation to their homeworld’s bright sun. He also describes their heads as being disproportionately large compared to their bodies, and their limbs as being thin and elongated. Hall has noted that the Tall Whites wear tight-fitting, silver jumpsuits, which he suggests may be a type of protective clothing. He has also described their movements as being graceful and fluid, and their speech as being high-pitched and difficult for humans to understand without the use of a translator device. Hall claims that he had ongoing interactions with the Tall Whites during his time at Nellis, and that he was able to establish a rapport with them through the use of a translator device that they provided to him.
He also claims that he witnessed their advanced technology, including spacecraft that were capable of invisibility and rapid acceleration. In his book “Millennial Hospitality,” Hall claims that the Tall Whites provided him with a “force field” device that he could wear on his person to protect himself from harm. He describes the device as being a small, hand-held device that emitted a field of energy that could deflect physical objects.
Hall claims that he was able to communicate with the Tall Whites through the use of a translator device that they provided to him. According to Hall, the device was a small, handheld computer that could translate his words into the Tall White’s language and vice versa. Hall claims that the Tall Whites are responsible for many UFO sightings around the world, and that they have been mistaken for extraterrestrial visitors from other planets. He suggests that the Tall Whites are in fact an indigenous Earth-based species that has been visiting our planet for thousands of years.
Charles Hall’s experiences with the Tall Whites extend beyond simple encounters. He was intricately involved with their operations on the Nellis ranges. Hall states that there is a base for the Tall Whites maintained by the Air Force on the Nellis Gunner ranges, with an outer perimeter controlled by the Air Force and an inner perimeter controlled by the aliens. This base functions similarly to an embassy, providing a controlled environment for interactions between the Tall Whites and human military personnel. The living quarters of the Tall Whites are underground in the mountains on the west side of the valley, while the operational base is situated in the mountains to the east.
During his time on the ranges, Hall was given top secret orders that allowed him to traverse the area known as Dreamland freely, day or night, provided he did so alone. Hall describes the Tall Whites as having a structured and hierarchical society, with their presence on Earth resembling that of a foreign military base. The Tall Whites’ spacecraft arrive and depart on a strict schedule, typically arriving at sundown on the night of the full moon and departing at midnight on the night of the new moon. Their technology, which includes gravity-powered spacecraft capable of faster-than-light travel, far surpasses human capabilities. However, they are cautious about sharing their advanced technology, limiting the exchange to areas that benefit them directly, such as radio communications.
The Tall Whites, according to Hall, have a significantly longer lifespan than humans, living up to 700 years. They do not age in the same way as humans; instead, they undergo multiple growth phases, becoming taller and more fragile with each phase. Hall notes that while their bodies become more frail, their intellectual and technological capabilities remain advanced. Their societal structure places a high value on family and communal relationships, with family units traveling together and maintaining close bonds. Hall also emphasizes the importance the Tall Whites place on their children’s safety. The Tall Whites’ suits emit a zone of protective light and energy, allowing them to deflect physical objects and levitate. Hall recalls instances where the children of the Tall Whites would visit his weather station, often under the watchful eyes of their mothers, who were fiercely protective. He recounts a particular event where a Tall White mother brought her children to watch him release a weather balloon, highlighting the care and caution exercised by the alien visitors.
In addition to their structured interactions, Hall describes the Tall Whites as having a social structure and culture similar to humans in many ways. They have a dry sense of humor and enjoy discussing various topics, including fashion. Hall recalls how the young Tall White women would look through his Sears and Montgomery Wards catalogs, showing interest in human clothing. The Tall Whites were also observed to wear clothes similar to those from these catalogs, which they obtained through arrangements with the Air Force. Hall’s accounts also looked into the technological aspects of the Tall Whites’ spacecraft. He believes their deep spacecraft and scoutcraft have a double-hull construction with miles of fiber optic windings between the hulls. This technology, he suggests, functions similarly to an electromagnet but uses subatomic particles instead of electrons. The craft’s performance capabilities, including their ability to accelerate from 0 to 8,000 miles per hour in seconds, demonstrate their advanced technology. Hall noted that the Tall Whites’ spacecraft and suits require periodic recharging, and their anti-gravity technology relies on subatomic particles possibly bosons.
Hall also described his interactions with the Tall Whites in detail, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and understanding. He recalls negotiating agreements with them, such as not approaching each other suddenly to avoid scaring one another. Hall noted that the Tall Whites have a structured approach to technology exchange with the U.S. Air Force, particularly in areas that benefit both parties, like radio communications. However, they are protective of their most advanced technologies, such as faster-than-light travel.
In summary, Charles Hall’s narrative provides a detailed and vivid portrayal of the Tall Whites’ interactions with humans, their advanced technology, and their cultural and societal norms. His accounts offer a unique perspective on extraterrestrial visitation and the existence of alien-human cooperation.