The Broad Haven UFO Incident (1977)

The Broad Haven Ufo Incident (1977)

The 1977 Broad Haven UFO Incident is an incident that occurred in Broad Haven, Wales, UK, where a group of schoolchildren reported seeing a UFO and encountering strange beings with blonde hair. The incident took place on February 4, 1977, at the Broad Haven Primary School, and involved approximately 14 children between the ages of 7 and 11.

According to the witnesses, the object was described as a silver cigar-shaped craft that landed in a field near the school. Witnesses reported seeing strange beings with blonde hair and metallic suits walking around the object. The children reported feeling a sense of fear and confusion during the encounter.

The incident gained international attention and has been the subject of numerous investigations, debates, and claims. Here are some key points to summarize the incident:

Witnesses: Approximately 14 schoolchildren between the ages of 7 and 11 were witnesses to the incident. The children were from the Broad Haven Primary School in Wales, UK. Description of the object: The object was described as a silver cigar-shaped craft that landed in a field near the school. Witnesses reported seeing strange beings with blonde hair and metallic suits walking around the object. Claims made by witnesses: Witnesses reported feeling a sense of fear and confusion during the encounter, and some claimed to have received telepathic messages from the beings. Investigations: The incident was investigated by various individuals and organizations, including UFO researcher Jenny Randles. Some investigators suggested that the incident may have been a genuine encounter with extraterrestrial beings. Books written about the incident: The incident has been the subject of several books, including “The Uninvited” by Nick Pope and “Invasion of Wales?” by Peter Paget.

One of the unique details of the incident is that it occurred during school hours, and many of the witnesses were children. The incident also occurred in a rural area, far from any major cities or military installations. Additionally, some witnesses reported physical effects after the encounter, including headaches and nausea.
