Behind the Flying Saucers

Behind the Flying Saucers” is a book written by Frank Scully and published in 1950, which claims to provide information about the existence of extraterrestrial beings and their technology. The book is based on Scully’s interviews with two men who claimed to have been involved in a crashed UFO recovery operation in Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948. The book gained widespread attention and controversy at the time of its publication and remains a popular topic of discussion among UFO enthusiasts and researchers.

Key Claims:

  1. The book claims that the United States government recovered a flying saucer in Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948. The saucer was said to have been 99 feet in diameter and contained 16 bodies of extraterrestrial beings.
  2. The book suggests that the government has been covering up the existence of extraterrestrial beings and their technology for years. Scully suggests that the government is afraid of the impact such knowledge would have on society.
  3. The book claims that the extraterrestrial beings recovered in Aztec were humanoid in appearance and had advanced technology, including a form of anti-gravity propulsion.
  4. The book suggests that the recovered technology was reverse-engineered by the US government and used to develop new technologies, including advanced aircraft and weapons.

Important People in the Book:

  1. Frank Scully: Author of the book and the person who conducted interviews with the two men claiming to have been involved in the Aztec UFO recovery operation.
  2. Silas Newton: One of the men interviewed by Scully. Newton was a wealthy oilman and self-proclaimed “scientist” who claimed to have been involved in the recovery operation.
  3. “Dr. Gee”: The other man interviewed by Scully. “Dr. Gee” was a pseudonym used by a man who claimed to have been a government scientist involved in the recovery operation.

Books About “Behind the Flying Saucers”:

  1. “The Aztec UFO Incident” by Scott and Suzanne Ramsey: Published in 2016, this book explores the Aztec UFO incident in detail and presents evidence that supports the claims made in “Behind the Flying Saucers.”
  2. “UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry” by Michael Swords: Published in 2012, this book provides an in-depth analysis of the US government’s involvement with UFOs and includes a discussion of the Aztec incident and the claims made in “Behind the Flying Saucers.”
  3. “The Flying Saucer Conspiracy” by Donald Keyhoe: Published in 1955, this book explores various UFO sightings and claims made in the 1950s, including the Aztec incident and the claims made in “Behind the Flying Saucers.”

“Behind the Flying Saucers” is a book that claims to provide evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial beings and their technology. The book claims that the US government recovered a flying saucer and bodies of extraterrestrial beings in Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948, and that this information has been covered up by the government. The book suggests that the recovered technology was reverse-engineered and used to develop advanced technologies. The book features interviews with Silas Newton and “Dr. Gee,” who claimed to have been involved in the recovery operation. Other books that discuss the claims made in “Behind the Flying Saucers” include “The Aztec UFO Incident,” “UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry,” and “The Flying Saucer Conspiracy.”
