Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up (1987)

Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up” is a book written by British author and researcher Timothy Good, first published in 1987. The book provides an overview of the history of the UFO phenomenon and the government’s involvement in the investigation of UFO sightings. Good uses interviews with high-level military and government officials, as well as with witnesses and researchers, to provide a comprehensive look at the subject.

In “Above Top Secret,” Good makes several key claims and assertions about the UFO phenomenon and the government’s involvement in the investigation of UFO sightings. Some of the key points and claims made in the book include:

  1. The existence of a worldwide UFO cover-up: Good claims that there is a worldwide conspiracy to cover up the existence of UFO sightings and extraterrestrial life. He asserts that the governments of the world are aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life and are actively suppressing information about the phenomenon in order to maintain control over the population.
  2. The involvement of the military and government in UFO research: Good claims that the military and government have been involved in the investigation of UFO sightings for many years. He asserts that high-level military and government officials have been involved in the cover-up of the UFO phenomenon and that they have been actively suppressing information about the subject.
  3. The evidence for extraterrestrial life: Good provides extensive evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life, including information on UFO sightings, contact cases, and physical evidence. He asserts that the evidence for extraterrestrial life is overwhelming and that it cannot be ignored or dismissed by the scientific community.
  4. The suppression of information about the UFO phenomenon: Good claims that the suppression of information about the UFO phenomenon is a result of the government’s desire to maintain control over the population. He asserts that the government is aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life and is suppressing information about the phenomenon in order to maintain control over the population.

“Above Top Secret” is considered by many to be an important resource for researchers and enthusiasts interested in the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial life. However, the claims and assertions made in the book should be approached with skepticism and evaluated in light of credible, peer-reviewed evidence from reliable sources.

The book has been widely discussed and debated in the field of UFO research and has been mentioned in several other books on the subject, including:

People have made a variety of claims about the contents of “Above Top Secret” and the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Some have claimed that the book provides credible evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life and that the government’s involvement in the investigation of UFO sightings is a result of the suppression of information about the phenomenon. Others have criticized the book and its claims as being unsupported by credible, peer-reviewed evidence and as being based on anecdotal evidence and unreliable sources.
